Sok 2021 Update 2

Here is the second update on Sok 2021 Promo team project : Make a single app to post to multiple platforms.

What's Complete

I have completed a lot of the server side work now . I have figured out the endpoints on which the API will work . I have decided that /post/{platform} is going to be the endpoint where platforms are  hard-coded as Twitter , Mastodon and Reddit.

To complete the post you will have to call the API  like this

/post/{platform}?image=<path to image>&text=<text you want to post>

One big advantage with FastAPI is that you can just do localhost:8000/redoc to get the redocs api documentaion fo the same and no additional work needs to be on the server side.

I have also made a very initial prototype of the desktop client we are planning to use.

This client is based on PySide2.

What's Next

  • Currently I am developing a robust way to schedule posts so that we don't miss anything we schedule and then I will incorporate that into the server side.
  • After scheduling on server side has been implemented I will work on driving the client to completion and properly call the API.
  • The server will be dockerized and be sent to the promo team for testing .
  • Enable creation of a proper log file with each request .

If you want to suggest some addition to the project or just want to chat , hit me up on or mail [at]